Archive for the ‘Reading Comprehension’ Category


Dr. Seuss

March 11, 2022


Theodor Seuss Geisel – “Dr. Seuss” Biography


Pink and Say

October 24, 2021


Today we read a good book by Patricia Polacco.  I want you to think about what you liked about this book.  What would it be like if you had to go fight a war when you were only 14?  Would you be scared?  Who was your favorite character in the book?  You can email your responses through our ePAL accounts.

Miss Roche


Reading Tutor!

October 13, 2021




Take Time Out to Read!!

Choose an online tutorial, specific strategy practice, or mixed reading practice.



Today we Read About Roanoke Island…

August 30, 2021

I  found a great website.  Check it out.  Let me know what you think.  I want you to post anything else you discovered while reading about this mystery!

THE ELIZABETHAN GARDENS: Roanoke Island, NC ~ Packet by Eric Hause: Articles about the Outer Banks NC and the Mainland

 Peace Out


Thank you, Mr. Falker

August 1, 2021


 Thank You, Mr. Falker

Great Book!

What was your favorite part of the story?



July 3, 2021



Spacecraft Snaps New Views of Saturn


LOS ANGELES (March 1) – NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has snapped never-before-seen images of Saturn showing the planet from perspectives above and below its ring system, the national space agency said on Thursday.
The images were taken in recent weeks by the probe, which blasted off on a mission to study the planet and its bands a decade ago.

Over the last two months, the spacecraft has climbed to higher and higher inclinations, providing its cameras with glimpses of the planet and rings that have excited scientists.

“Finally, here are the views that we’ve waited years for,” said Carolyn Porco, Cassini imaging team leader at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

“Sailing high above Saturn and seeing the rings spread out beneath us like a giant, copper medallion is like exploring an alien world we’ve never seen before. … It’s so utterly breath-taking, it almost gives you vertigo.”

The images released on Thursday included a video sequence showing the rings as they appeared to Cassini while it sped from south to north, rapidly crossing the ring plane.

The spacecraft was launched on October 15, 1997 and entered into orbit around Saturn on July 1, 2004. The mission is a cooperative project between NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agen

 Contest!  What the arrow pointing to?  <~~~~~~~~Click


New Tomb?

June 21, 2021


Egypt Discovers more Tombs…

The Associated Press



CAIRO American archaeologists have made the first discovery of a new tomb in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings since King Tutankhamen’s was uncovered in 1922, Egypt’s antiquities chief has announced. The 18th Dynasty tomb included five mummies in intact sarcophagi with colored funerary masks, along with more than 20 large storage jars, sealed with pharaonic seals, Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said in a statement. Still unknown is who the tomb belonged to. The U.S. archeologist Kent Weeks, who was not involved in the discovery but has seen photographs of the tomb’s interior, said its appearance suggested it did not belong to a king. “It could be the tomb of a king’s wife or son, or of a priest or court official,” he said Thursday. No matter who is in the new tomb, its discovery shatters the nearly century-old perception that there was nothing left to discover in the Valley of the Kings, where it was long thought that the 62 previously known tombs were all there was, said Weeks, who made the last major discovery in the valley. “It clearly proves that the Valley of the Kings is still not exhausted,” he said. “There are probably more tombs to be found in it.” Weeks made the last major discovery in the valley. In 1995, he opened a previously known tomb and found it was far larger than expected: more than 120 chambers, which he determined were tombs for sons of the pharaoh Ramses II. The new tomb is a single chamber, meaning it was probably intended for a single mummy, he said. Other sarcophagi – or even all of them – may have been put in at a later time. “The objects in the tomb don’t necessarily date to the original tomb. It is not unknown for a tomb to be used as a storeroom for other materials,” Weeks said. “The objects could be 200 to 400 years later than the original cutting of the tomb. Some could be original, some may have been introduced later.” It is known that in later dynasties, high priests fearing grave robbers took mummies from their original sites and stashed them in other tombs or locations – or even after the pharaonic area, mummies were moved either to protect them or to hide them for later theft, he said. Hawass did not specify who was believed buried in the tomb. The antiquities chief was scheduled to visit the site Friday to announce more details. A University of Memphis team of archaeologists led by Otto Schaden found the tomb 4 meters, or 13 feet, below the ground, buried under rubble and stones 5 meters away from Tut’s tomb, the statement by Hawass said. Inside the rectangular tomb, the five wooden sarcophagi were surrounded by the jars, which appeared placed haphazardly, suggesting the burial was completed quickly, the statement by Hawass said. The 18th Dynasty, from around 1500 B.C. to 1300 B.C., was the first dynasty of the New Kingdom, the pharaonic empire than lasted until around 1000 B.C. and made its capital in Thebes – the present day city of Luxor, 500 kilometers, or 300 miles, south of Cairo. The Valley of the Kings was used as a burial ground throughout the New Kingdom, though contrary to its name not all the tombs are of kings. The new tomb will be called KV63 by archaeologists, adding to the previously known sites labeled from KV1 to KV62, which is the tomb of Tutankhamen, uncovered by Howard Carter in 1922. KV5 is the tomb of Ramses II’s sons. “It’s ironic,” Weeks said. “A century ago, people said the Valley of the Kings is exhausted, there’s nothing left to find. Suddenly Carter found Tutankhamen. So then they said, now there’s nothing to find. Then we found KV5. Now we have KV63. I wouldn’t be surprised if we find more.”

New Tombs.. <~~~~~~~~~~~Read


Online Book Club

June 1, 2021


Check it out ….

Interactive Book Club
